(705) 443-9786 karenssoapbox@gmail.com


White people…yeah you…this message is for you!!

Stop being surprised….

Stop being surprised by racism

Stop being surprised by systemic racism

Stop being surprised by white privilege

Stop being surprised by police brutality toward black and brown people

Stop being surprised by the unnecessary and brutal deaths of black people at the hands of those meant to keep the peace.


Stop negating BLACK LIVES MATTER by saying All lives matter

Stop saying that Colin Kaepernick is disrespecting his flag and his country


Please just stop


Your surprise is an insult to every black person who knows and understands the struggle, who carries themselves differently because the fear of a misstep may cost them their lives. 

Your surprise is an insult to every black person who will only drive the speed limit for fear of what could happen if they are pulled over for a simple infraction. 

Your, “but I’m not a racist, how does this still happen” is an insult to any black person who wants to go for a run in a predominantly white neighborhood.


If you think you are not part of the solution, listen up. You are the solution. 


Until we as a race who, whether you believe it or not, are provided a host of privilege just by being born with a different pigment DECIDE and CHOSE that this will end and it will end in our lifetime. Nothing will ever change. 


Until we…

Stop laughing at racist jokes and make the person who told it and the room uncomfortable by saying “THAT IS NOT OKAY”

Stop being surprised when a black man is highly intelligent, well-read and well-spoken

Stop being surprised by a successful 50 year marriage between 2 black people

Stop moving to the other side of the street when a black man is coming your way

Stop thinking that affirmative action is taking away jobs from white people


You, We, Me

We are the way out of this. 

We need to change, it is going to be uncomfortable 

You will need to call out your friends and family for their behaviour

The Government can not demand kindness, only we can


We are responsible to no longer be surprised by the grave injustices done daily to a group of people because of the pigment in their skin.

Instead, we need to say, my white privilege did this. 

In Love
